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50% off setup, 15% off monthly management fee

Seamless worldwide onboarding, payroll, and benefits

Employ Anywhere with Omnipresent

Omnipresent makes it quick, simple, and easy to hire remote teams anywhere in the world. From onboarding to payroll and legal compliance, we take care of all your employment needs.

Employ Anywhere

Never lose out on another world-class candidate. Hire any talent, anywhere with Omnipresent. We help employ talent compliantly in over 160 countries and regions.

Onboard Anytime

Onboard remote employees or teams seamlessly and efficiently. We manage all the complicated administration behind the scenes.

One Invoice for Everything

We handle all of the complexity of local taxes and cross-border payments. Pay your team’s salary, taxes, and benefits in a single monthly invoice.

Benefits for Everyone

Provide competitive, locally relevant benefits packages for everyone in your team, regardless of where they are based.Hire in 160 countries! Omnipresent takes care of onboarding, payroll, local compliance, benefits and more.

Your Global HQ on one platform

At Omnipresent, our platform makes managing remote teams, as well as ongoing admin, simple and efficient. Below are just some of the features available to you when you work with us:

One place to manage your whole remote team

Onboard, manage, and pay remote team members.

One monthly invoice to cover all your remote staff

Keep your ongoing admin to a minimum by just paying one monthly invoice for payroll, taxes, social contributions, and benefits for all of your remote team. Now available in your preferred currency.

Stay organized with employee documents in one place

Manage documents, payslips, expenses, contracts, and other documents in one place.

Integration with over 20 popular HR systems

Streamline your onboarding process with our HRIS (Human Resources Information System) integrations. The OmniPlatform works seamlessly with 24 of the most popular HR systems, including BambooHR, Workday, and Hibob.

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